Sea Stories: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Part 4

It’s not often that a poem becomes not one but two movies, or inspired a song by Iron Maiden but Samuel Taylor Coleridge's ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ is one of those rare exceptions. It is a 7-part tale about the experiences of a sailor who has just returned from sea. It’s a tale of peril, of the supernatural, of the sea. Today, lets take a look at part IV, in which the mariner watched many of his crew-mates die…

Reducing aquaculture's carbon footprint with renewable energy

In general, aquaculture already has a relatively small carbon footprint compared to other forms of industrial meat farming. The news gets better though – aquaculture can reduce that footprint further. Some of those reductions can happen right at the farm itself, with the help of renewable energy.

Hunting for squid in the South Atlantic

Every year over 100 vessels of Asian origin come to the Falklands to hunt for squid under the cover of night. They are powered with thousands of kilowatts of light bulb power and kilometres of fishing lines armed with thousands of jigs (hooks with fluorescent bait). Join Tomek Zawadowski as he shows, though his photographs, the life of these fishers at sea.

Observations of cetaceans from land in Northern Portugal and the first white harbour porpoise seen in Iberian Peninsula waters

Discover how volunteers and citizen scientists are helping uncover the illusive world of the Iberian Peninsula’s cetaceans and Gaspar - one of just 34 white harbour porpoises to have ever been recorded anywhere in the world - in this guest post from Itziar Burgués & Tara Callahan

Sea Stories: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Part 3

It’s not often that a poem becomes not one but two movies, or inspired a song by Iron Maiden but Samuel Taylor Coleridge's ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ is one of those rare exceptions. It is a 7-part tale about the experiences of a sailor who has just returned from sea. It’s a tale of peril, of the supernatural, of the sea. Today, lets take a look at part 3, in which the mariner spots something in the mist…

Help A Researcher Out: Rebuilding Coral Reefs with Fish Hive

Help a Researcher Out! With coral reefs increasingly suffering under the climate crisis, Kath Whittey (Cardiff University) is working on creating Fish Hives - artificial reef structures that can help rebuild damaged reefs. She needs your help to build and test the Fish Hives.