They may not be pretty but wolffish they have some amazing abilities - like living in places where water temperatures drop to below freezing!
Help A Researcher Out: Short Survey on Small-Scale Fisheries with Too Big To Ignore
Sea Stories: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Part 2
It’s not often that a poem becomes not one but two movies, or inspired a song by Iron Maiden but Samuel Taylor Coleridge's ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ is one of those rare exceptions. It is a 7-part tale about the experiences of a sailor who has just returned from sea. It’s a tale of peril, of the supernatural, of the sea. Today lets take a look at part II, in which the mariner and his crew-mates become the object of spirit’s wrath…
Changing climate brings challenges for aquaculture disease control
Help A Researcher Out: Have your say on co-location of offshore windfarms and fisheries
Save the world with a shipping pallet revolution
Britain, Brexit, and the Blue Belt
Everything You Need to Know About Marine Radars
Sea Shorts: How Iceland's Jökulsárlón lagoon is changing the coast
Food waste is not only a land-based issue
As you probably have heard a million times – fish stocks are declining, but the demand for fish is increasing. But what you might not have heard is that every year, 30 million tons of fish are discarded. As guest contributor Jessica Tengvall explains, this wasteful practice is a problem that stems from regulations and economics.
How do Corals reproduce in Easter Island (Rapa Nui)?
Rapa Nui - or as English speakers like to call it Easter Island - is home to some of the most isolated coral reefs in the world. They are not immune to coral bleaching, but they do seem to have a rather remarkable recovery rate. Join Itziar Burgués as she talks about her work on the reproduction of Rapa Nui corals - and how it has helped them survive.