Restoration Ecology

Help A Researcher Out: The value of the UK's beaches, the sea, & their resources

Help a Researcher Out! People in the UK - share your thoughts about the value of beaches, the sea, and their resources with Adam Nixon (University of Essex).

Rooting out the risks of plant recolonization on mine waste

Rooting out the risks of plant recolonization on mine waste

Mine waste needs careful storage to ensure they don’t contaminate the environment. A new study explores the long-term effectiveness of one type of storage cover, which essentially made from layers of soil that allow plants to grow on them.

Help A Researcher Out: Rebuilding Coral Reefs with Fish Hive

Help a Researcher Out! With coral reefs increasingly suffering under the climate crisis, Kath Whittey (Cardiff University) is working on creating Fish Hives - artificial reef structures that can help rebuild damaged reefs. She needs your help to build and test the Fish Hives.