From the seawire: Ocean news in April 2022

From the seawire: Ocean news in April 2022

Missed out on April 2022's ocean news? Here's a glimpse into what went down in Davy Jones's Locker this monthth


Animals and Plants
Climate Crisis
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Marine Technology
People and the Sea

Animals and Plants

Climate Crisis

Fisheries and Aquaculture

Marine Technology

  • A new record has been broked for the longest subsea cable. The 2Africa cable stretched some 45,000 kilometers and will "deliver international connectivity to approximately 3 billion people, representing 36% of the global population and connecting three continents, Africa, Europe, and Asia."

  • Ocean Alliance have tagged whales with modified DJI drones. Whale tagging is typically a long and costly process. It's also potentially dangerous to whales and people. This new technique allows researches to attach suction cup tags from the air.

  • The WHOI have collected a sediment core from the Puerto Rico Trench, some 8 km below the sea surface. It's the deepest core ever collected from the Atlantic Ocean, and possibly from any ocean.

  • A survey performed by the Seafood Harvesters of America, along with NOAA Fisheries scientists, Conservation X Labs, Schmidt Marine Technology Partners, and the Alaska Ocean Cluster has identified the most-pressing tech needs of U.S. fishermen.

People and the Sea
