From the seawire: Ocean news in May 2022

From the seawire: Ocean news in May 2022

Missed out on May 2022's ocean news? Here's a glimpse into what went down in Davy Jones's Locker this month


Animals and Plants
Climate Crisis
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Marine Technology
People and the Sea

Animals and Plants

Climate Crisis

Fisheries and Aquaculture

Marine Technology

People and the Sea

  • The UNHCR's newly published report "Protection, saving lives, & solutions for refugees in dangerous Journeys" makes for grim reading. Deaths at sea on migrant routes to Europe almost double, year on year.

  • Could the future of farming be subsea? Off the coast of Liguria, Italy, the world's only underwater greenhouse-Nemo's Garden-is producing vegetables, flowers, and herbs.

  • What to do with discarded fishing containers? Designer Takuto Ohta has an intereting answer... make furniture.

  • More ocean trash-to-treasure news, this time from Marina DeBris (pun intended). Mariana is creating art and fashion from litter she finds on Sydney beaches.

  • Reserachers at Los Alamos NAtional Laboratory (USA) have developed a new method of detecting earthquakes, potentially providing earlier tsunami warnings.

  • The European Commission has launched the EU Blue Economy Observatory. The new observatory will focus on socio-economic components of the maritime related sectors.

  • Recycling is very important, but to prevent plastic bottles ending up in the ocean, the priority should be on refillable bottles. That's the findings of an Oceana study that looked at the impact of the leading beverage producer's recycling pledges.

  • Our medications are ending up in fish. A three year study of bonefish in South Florida found that each fish carries, on average, seven different pharmaceuticals. Other species that eat bonefish, like crabs, also had drugs in their system.

  • Seals can hear underwater much better than people, right? One new study suggests that for certain frequencies, we hear just as well as they do.
