Find your perfect Ocean Opportunity

Find your perfect Ocean Opportunity

Are you looking for a marine STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) related job, Post-Doc, PhD, Masters, certificate, diploma, conference, workshop, course, internship, webinars, funding, or other opportunities?

Ocean Opportunities is the place for you!

You can choose between a yearly subscription (€25 per year plus any applicable taxes) or a monthly subscription (€5 per month plus any applicable taxes)..

Every month
Every year

✓ Access over 600 opportunities
✓ Pay with your debit/credit card
✓ Monthly subscription is the equivalent of €0.16 per day!
✓ Annual subscription is the equivalent of €0.07 per day!
✓ Note taxes may be applicable (boo!)


  • What do I get?

    • Access to the full Ocean Opportunities listing. I manually update this list by hand. Expect to see 600+ opportunities

  • Can I get a peek at what is on Ocean Opportunities? Take a look at Tiny Ocean Opportunities, a free, cut-down version of the full Ocean Opportunities.

  • How can I pay? Payment is by credit/debit card and is processed securely through Stripe. You can cancel your subscription whenever you want by signing into your account on this website (see the footer for a direct link).

  • What about refunds? Your subscription is non-refundable. You can cancel whenever you want, but I won’t be able to return any portion of what you pay. If you cancel, your access will end at the end of your subscription cycle.

  • Do I have to renew my subscription every year/month? No - Squarespace will automatically renew your subscription for you unless you cancel. You can find your subscription renewal date on the confirmation Squarespace emails to you and in your account.

  • Why can’t you do this for free? Curating the opportunities and offering advice costs money, which I simply cannot afford to cover myself anymore.

  • Who gets the money? The subscription cost includes fees payable to Squarespace, the payment provider, and, of course, the tax man’s cut. After they’ve all taken their cut, approximately 30% of the funds you give are available for hosting and running the board (including some sticky tape to keep my eyes open as I curate the list of opportunities late into the night for you).

  • Why is the monthly fee proportionally higher than the annual fee? Monthly subscriptions create extra behind-the-scenes work that needs to be covered.

  • Can I/my company/my organisation advertise on your site so you can make it freely available again? Yes, absolutely (and thank you from everyone who uses this board for the kind offer). Send me a message, and we’ll work out the logistics.

  • Can I/my company/my organisation purchase multiple subscriptions? Yes, you can. Please reach out to start the process.

  • Where can I see the terms of services? Head to our dedicated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for Ocean Opportunities page.

Every month
Every year

✓ Access over 600 opportunities
✓ Pay with your debit/credit card
✓ Monthly subscription is the equivalent of €0.16 per day!
✓ Annual subscription is the equivalent of €0.07 per day!
✓ Note taxes may be applicable (boo!)