Dr Philomène Verlaan is an oceanographer researching deep sea mineral formation and a lawyer specialising in law of the sea. She shares some of her experiences on board research vessels.
From the seawire: ocean news in June 2023
More than 90% of global aquatic food production faces substantial risk from environmental change
Strengthening and sustaining ocean observations through the G7
Open and accessible: the Digital Twin of the Ocean
Retirement of the JOIDES Resolution: end of one era, the start of another
Mapping for high seas protected areas
When discovery leads to protection for glass sponge reefs
When the side-scan sonar first picked up unexpected mound features in the Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound, which runs along the west coast of Canada, nobody expected them to be ancient yet living glass sponge reefs, especially since reef-building glass sponges were thought to have gone extinct during the Cretaceous period.