Communication and content strategies

“Communication works for those who work at it” ~ John Powell

Whether you’re running a multi-year project or a short one-off campaign, great outreach and engagement start with a communication strategy.

Take advantage of these strategy services

Services can be offered individually or as a package.

The audit

Evaluating your current communication activities and practices to see what could be added, taken away, or changed so you can continue to meet your goals.

What's your why

Defining what you want to achieve with your communications and why you want to achieve it - the goals, the objectives, and the desired outcomes.

Who is your audience

Refining who exactly you want to reach and what their needs are for more effective engagement. (No, your audience is not "the public.")

Create your key messages

Honing in on what it is you want your target audience to take away from all your communication efforts.

Choose your channels

Deciding how you will connect with your audience - news articles, blog posts, social media, podcasts, public events, the arts, press releases, and more.

Devise your implementation plan

Organising all the steps you need to do and deciding all the people and things you may need to put your strategy into action.

Create your content calendar

Scheduling all of your blog, social media, and other content in advance so you can stay on top of your communications.

Set your guidelines

Setting out your brand guidelines, copyright and attribution policies, and data protection measures for any personal data you collect.

Shall we strategise your communications?